Curating Degree Zero Archive – Paris


16 Jun – 8 Jul 2007

Curating Degree Zero Achive
Point Éphémère, Paris.

CDZA is a traveling archive as exhibition and discursive space, initiated by Dorothee Richter and Barnaby Drabble. The list of curators, curatorial groups and artist-curators was expanded at every venue.

 Presentation and re-interpretation of the Archive by Association Drash: Celia Cretien, Marie de Bouard, Mélanie Mermod.
With artistic contributions from: Nicolas Floc’h, Yann Sérandour, Aloïs Godinat and Jean-Christophe Huguenin, Körner Union
Activities included a week-long workshop with an international group of young curators, resulting in a fanzine.