Materials –
an exhibition as an archive
23 Oct – 21 Nov 1999
in cooperation with the artist residency “Die Hoege” parallel to the symposium “dialogues and debates – feminist positions positions in contemporary visual arts”
Feminist artists, curators and art scholars were invited to speak at the symposium, Dialogues and Debates: Isolde Loock, Ruth Noack, Eija Liisa Ahtila, Sigrid Schade, Ursula Biemann, Ute Meta Bauer, Rineke Dijkstra, Guerilla Girls, Ulrike Müller, Ellen Nonnenmacher, Eulalia Valldosera, Lisette Smits, Christine and Irene Hohenbüchlker, Beatrice von Bismarck, old boys network, Frauensolidarität und Frauen- beziehungen.
Dialogues and Debates was a conference at a residency for female artists near Bremen. The second part of the project consisted of an exhibition in the KünstlerHaus Bremen with the title Materialien/ Materials. Each of the speakers were asked to name artistic, art historical, or curatorial positions relating to feminism in the contemporary visual arts that they considered important. The catalogs, books, CDs, videos, and web addresses of these sixty artists, art historians, and curators that were proposed, plus materials from each of the speakers were placed in folders on an open shelf as a living, temporary, and ephemeral archive. The exhibition space had large, round pillows where one could sit and comfortably use the equipment, video monitors, CD players, and computers, as well as small, round tables to look at catalogs or talk. All of the names of those involved in the project were written on the far wall as a visible representation.