New Social Scultpures 1: Szuper Gallery, Survivalist Fantasies/Social Choreography
What is the impact of the permanent state of crisis? Economic crisis, global warming, nuclear winter, we are permanently reminded that we are imminently facing a catastrophe. Considering the changing states of ‘performing normality in the face of crisis’ we propose to develop a multi-layered project in order to explore the notion of social sculpture in times of crisis within the framework of a social choreography.
Starting point will a subjective and visual analysis of a series of archival materials collected under theme of crisis, landscape, agriculture, propaganda, depression and social choreography. We propose to research these together with the MAS Curating, thereby approaching the notion of Social Sculpture. We would envisage that MAS Curating would collaborate with us to locate materials from a variety of Swiss sources and organisations.
For example film archives, agricultural collections, radio and tv archives, propaganda materials related to rural information and nuclear prevention etc. Together we would like to select a collection of films, photographs, objects, texts, images, which critically reflect the notion of crisis or catastrophe. These materials should then act as catalyst for the other project elements.
1a: Archive materials
We want to develop a curated installation from the archive materials (films, photographs, documents, etc) as mentioned above.
1b: Model/filmset
We would further like to present a sculptural element: a film set model, a cinematic, apocalyptic landscape panorama. This should be presented in the middle of the space (size approx 1.50m x 1.50m x 1m, made from plaster and styrofoam). This model functions as a set for an audio performance (see below).
2. Audio Performance
We further propose to produce a new audio performance in collaboration with Canadian actor and director Michele Sereda. Staging a number of equivocal positions, processes, objects, circumstances, smells, metaphors, worries, volumes and tones this audio performance will reflect on the context introduced above, by filtering moments of materiality and corporeality. We wish to produce a new audio play /collage and to collaborate with a local children’s choir. We would like to collaborate with the choir by sending them a number of melodies and audio sequences to rehearse prior to the event and perform these live together with the children, as part of the new work.
This performance could be staged at the opening weekend. A suitable space would have to be found (if possible within the museum). Ideally we would like to use a large, empty, white space (gallery or exhibition space). We could probably also use a stage. In this space we would like to project a white screen onto a large wall, in front of which the children’s choir and the performers would appear. All performers should have microphones on stand, which should be mixed and broadcast live.
Equipment: video projector, microphones, stands, speakers, amps. Performance duration: approx 20 mins. The performance did include about 30 local school children.
“New Social Scultpures 1, was produced with and at the Kunstmuseum Thun.