New Social Sculptures 2: San Keller

New Social Sculptures 2: San Keller, Early Work 1974 – 1991.
The Marianne and Fritz Keller Collection.

Opening Friday 29th of June 6:30 p.m.Projectspace enter, Kunstmuseum Thun.

When San Keller (born in Bern in 1971; lives and works in Zurich) was invited to exhibit at the Kunstmuseum Thun, he passed the offer on to Marianne and Fritz Keller, who own his early work in its entirety (1974–1991). Already back in 2008, the two dedicated collectors converted their private residence in Köniz near Bern into the Museum San Keller (

In the enter project space, the Kellers are now presenting a personal selection of drawings executed by San Keller during his childhood and adolescence, along with excerpts from his diaries. The exhibition provides very personal insights into the creative beginnings of an artist meanwhile known for his conceptual and ephemeral projects. San Keller often uses fictional persona in his works to contemplate means of taking action in society.

Our show will address the theme of the family as a small social unit acting within a larger social system. What is the relationship between the “public” and “private” sides of life? Do the works executed in a private context change when viewed through the new perspective afforded by a museum presentation? And most importantly – does our knowledge of the artist’s later success shape our perception of his “early works”?

30 June – 8 July / 28 July – 30 September 2012
Cooperation Kunstmuseum Thun and Postgraduate Programme in Curating