Szuper Gallery: Gallery Fiction

2002 Kuenstlerhaus Bremen
Szuper Gallery: Gallery Fiction

Szuper Gallery and students of the Institute of Time Bases Media of the Hochschule für Künste have developed the Gallery Fiction, which projects the art institution into the future as a means of interrogating it:
What will the future of galleries and museums look like in the year 2052? What will have changed? What will the work of artists, gallery owners, museum directors and critics be like? How will the social context of art have changed? What about exhibition practises and strategies? How will the relationship between economy and the artist have developed?
In our present museum culture, museums resemble cultural supermarkets, cities look like museums, and tourism and shopping are indistinguishable. What will these things be like in the year 2052?
Will anybody succeed in developing strategies for interrupting the incredible boredom of the commercial realm?

The project is being developed on various media levels:
1. A video trailer in various art institutions will convey the questions and call attention to the possibility of participating.
2. In interviews with agents of the art world as well as with persons who have responded to the announcement via trailer.
3. In the semi-public framework of a dinner for the project participants and all interviewees.
4. In the exhibition, where the videotaped interviews as well as
interview partners:
Sigrid Adorf, Eva Schmidt, Wolfgang Deecke, Christian Meyer, Rozanne Alstatt, Dorothee Richter, Wolfgang Hainke, Rani Marius Le Prince, Manfred Kirschner