
20th of Feb. 2023
DeColonizing Art Institutions in the series Empire and Place online talk series, invited by Mohini Chandra, Chelsea College of Art, London


7th of Feb. 2023
Kurationsprozesse und Kulturinstitutionen des 21. Jh.
Panel with Tina Heine, Dorothee Richter, Cymin Samawatie, Janning Trumann, Steve Valk und Beatdenker von Future Bloom
Alte Münze Berlin, Jazzunion


5th of Feb 2023
Book presentation by Oliver Marchart
“Hegenomy Machines documenta X to fifteen and the Politics of Biennalization”, with Sabeth Buchmann, moderated by Dorothee Richter, N.B.K. Berlin


2nd of January 2023
Presenting OnCurating
TAOS Gallery and Kochi Biennale, Kerala, India


20th Jul 2022
Unverschämte Künstlerinnen, Fluxus und die Neukonfiguration des Sexualitätsdispositivs, Kunsthaus, Wiesbaden

15th Jul 2021
Presenting the CAS/ MAS in Curating, Online + Call for Curators, Berlin


7th Jul 2021
Panel: Shifting Views on Italian Art. The Curatorial Residency as a Research Model, Online + Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo

13th Nov 2020
Panel: Skulptur Projekte. Erfolg und Erwartung. Was zeichnet Biografien von Künstler*innen aus?, LWL- Museum für Kunst und Kultur Münster


24th Feb 2020
Introduction to Small Projects for Coming Communities, Studio Bank Tel Aviv


11th  Sep 2019
Kunst und Kuratieren als Theorie einer Praxis und Praxis einer Theorie, Panel: „Theorie als Arbeitsressource zwischen Künsten und Wissenschaften“ Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Soziologie in Neuchâtel


31st Jan 2019
‘Artistic and Curatorial Turns, Care and Accelerated Capitalism. From the Sixties to Contemporary Practices in Feminist Perspectives. A Tour de Force’, Museum of Contemporary Art Reykjavik, Iceland


7th Dec 2018
Feminist Perspectives in Curating, a conversation with False Hearted Fanny, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe

2nd Dec 2018
‘Artistic and Curatorial Turns, Care and Accelerated Capitalism. From the Sixties to Contemporary Practices in Feminist Perspectives. A Tour de Force’, As part of the Symposium: Movements in Feminism / Feminisms in Movement: Urgencies, Emergencies, Promises. Organized by Elke Krasny, Luisa Ziaja, Lara Perry, Dorothee Richter, Belvedere 21, Wien

17 th Nov 2018
Curating as a Reflexion of Digital Society, invited by Pau Waelder, Casal Solleric, Museum for Modern Art, La Palma

20th Oct 2018
ASAP Conference 10 in New Orleans, Roundtable on ‘Contemporary Art and Curating around the Choreographic Turn’ Contemporary Art and Curating around the Choreographic Turn with Edgar Schmitz (Goldsmiths, University of London), Andrea Phillips (Baltic/ Northumbria University), Sarah K Rich (The Pennsylvania State University), Dorothee Richter (Zurich University of the Arts/ University of Reading), in New Orleans

18th-20th July 2018
Propositions on Curating, Defragmentation, four days Convention on Curating New Music, Darmstadt, summer courses in New Music and Symposium, Darmstadt. Key notes by and discussion with Corinne Diserens, Dorothee Richter, Stefan Heidenreich and Florian Malzacher

6th June 2018
Kuratieren Contra Vermittlen, das Ringen um Deutungsmacht in einem verworrenden Feld Symposium: Curatorial Learning Spaces, University of Cologne / Universität Köln 16th May 2018


16th May 2018
Ideology for Exhibition Set Up with Salvatore Settis, Claire Bishop, Boris Groys, Dorothee Richter, Symposium at the Fondazione Prada, Milano


27th Oct 2017
Fluxus and Particpation, Panel: How to share the global pie. Konferenz der Association oft he Study of the Arts of the der University of California Berkeley, San Francisco


17th May 2017
Subjektkonstruktionen der Documenten, Universität Hildesheim


13th Apr 2017
Beyond Display, De-Colonising Art Institutions, Art Cube Artists’ Studios, Jerusalem


27th-31stMar 2017
International Curatorial Workshop:
Curating and Social Change
in Hong Kong, with public talks by Yang Yeung, Kacey Wong, Michael Leung, Bo ZHENG. At Connecting Spaces HongKong Zurich


22nd Jan 2017
Singapur Biennale – Talk: Beyond Display, Why Bienuals at all. Panel: Contesting the Biennale: Variations, Alternatives and Possibilities. National Museum of Singapore Gallery Theatre


23rd Mar 2016
Presenting OnCurating 31: Spheres of Estrangements, Art, Politics, Curating, Buchandlung Motto, Berlin with the editors Jonas Becker, Benjamin T. Busch, Matthew Hanson, Penny Rafferty, Paul Stewart


22nd Mar 2016
Politics of Individuation – a feminist perspective, Berlin, Saas Fees Summer Institute


11th Mar 2016
De Colonizing Art Institution?, Baden Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart


11th Feb 2016
On Curatorial and Artistic Authorship, Michaelis School of Fine Art, University of Cape Town


8th Feb 2016
OnCurating webjournal and its critical possibilities, Critical Writing Ensembles – As part of the Dhaka Art Summit 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh curated by Katya Garia Anton, Funded by Pro Helvetia


23rd Jan 2016
New forms of education in the arts, a university without condition, Please worry, Symposium at the Migros Museum, Zurich


14th Nov 2015
Curating Performance Art, Conf: Performance-Art in Switzerland, Basel with Sigrid Schade, Dorothee Richter, Muda Mathis, Sabine Gebhardt Fink, Linda Cassens Stoian, Margarit von Bueren, and others.


10th Nov 2015
„Kuenstler/innen und Kurator/innen – Konkurrenz, Kollaboration oder Teamwork? oder: What is it that makes Curating so different, so appealing?“, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart, Altbau, Alte Aula


5th Nov 2015
Flux Us Now, filmscreening, Museum Tinguely in cooperation with the exhibition Ben Vautier. Ist alles Kunst?


30th Oct 2015
Feminist Demands on Curating, Aarhus University, Department of Aesthetics and Communication, Art History


2nd Oct 2015
Thinking About Curatorial Education, Dorothee Richter and Ronald Kolb: Introduction to our research with a camera on contemporary curatorial practices, ZHdK, Zurich University of the Arts 


24th Jun 2015
Flux Us Now, filmscreening,Hochschule fuer Gestaltung Karlsruhe in cooperation with Seminar Kunstwissenschaft: GLOBALE Renaissance 4.0 (Prof. Dr. Beat Wyss/ Sebastian Baden)


20th-22nd Jun 2015
Workshop on Estrangement/ Alienation at Saas fees, Summer Institute of Art, June, The SAAS-FEE Summer Institute of Art is co-directed by the independent artist and theorist Warren Neidich and Barry Schwabsky coeditor of Artforum International


2nd Jun 2015
Flux Us Now, filmscreening, Kibbutz College Tel Aviv, A cooperation of the Petach Tikva Museum and Curatorial Studies Certificate Program, Faculty of Arts, Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and Arts Tel-Aviv


22nd May 2015
Flux Us Now, filmscreening, Kunstakademie Stuttgart, Class Rainer Ganahl and Class Christian Jankowski


21st May 2015
Flux Us Now, filmscreening, Ostwall Museum Dortmund


19th May 2015
Flux Us Now, filmscreening, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Seminar Ulf Wuggenig


6th May 2015
Dorothee Richter in conversation with False Hearted Fanny: Curating: Un-Verschämte Forderunngen aus einer feministischen Perspektive. (Curating, Im-pudent demands from a feminist perspective), Hochschule fuer Gestaltung, Karlsruhe


9th Feb 2015
Strange Teaching  – Kunst, Diskurs und Lehre (Art Discourse and Teaching), Discussion organised by Rainer Ganahl, with Barbara Bader, Rainer Ganahl, Hans Dieter Huber, Dorothee Richter, Susanne Jakob, Art Academie Stuttgart


14th Jan 2015
„Die Globale“: Panel Discussion alongside the Seminar Transcurating, org. by Sebastian Baden with Dorothee Richter, Sebastian Baden, G. J. Lischka, Peter Weibel and Beat Wyss, Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe


5th Dec 2014
Artistic and Curatorial Authorship, Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe


27th Jun 2014
Wolf Vostell – Blinde Flecken und Nebelbomben, ZKM Karlsruhe, Symposion during exhibition Beuys Vostell Brock


18th Jun 2014
Communities and Deliberations – New Social Sculptures, ICA London


20th May 2014
Fashion Curating, at Symposium Curating Fashion; HEAD, Haute École d’art et design


15th May 2014
MASTER DIALOG 2014: Mythen um Autorschaft, Produktion und Gemeinschaft, Hochschule Luzern, Design & Kunst


10th Feb 2014
Talk on the film Flux Us Now, Golem Hamburg, Workshop Hochschule der Künste, Hamburg


6th Feb 2014
Talk on the film Flux Us Now, Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen

19th Jan 2014
Talk on the film Flux Us Now, Kunstverein Wiesbaden

15th Jan 2014
„Communities and Deliberations“Talk at the Conference: Freehouse, Radicalising the Local, Rotterdam


21st Jul 2013
„New Markets and new forms of capital in the arts“ /„Neue Märkte und Kapitalformen in der Kunst“ Vortrag im Rahmen des Symposiums Rituale der Kunst, Kunstschule Nürtingen


29th Jun 2013
Panel during exhibition „Vom Zeigen und Sehen – Pedro Wirz: Tropical“, Dortmunder Kunstverein

9th Jun 2013
Panel for launch of  POOL, LUMA Foundation, Kunsthalle Zürich

18th Mar 2013
Curate Your Context, Centre for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv

13th-17th Jun 2012
Curating Exchange, workshop and keynote (with Yane Calovski, Basak Senove, Slavco Dimitrov, Suzana Majaca, Marko Stamenkovic, Antonja Majaca), Press to Exit Projectspace, Skopje Macedonia. Funded by Pro Helvetia

1st May 2012
Paneldiscussion: Curator – Calling or Career?, Kurzfilmfestival Oberhausen, Germany

15th Mar 2012
Artistic and curatorial authorship, International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Ljubljana, Slowenien

19th Feb 2012
Future of Curating and Art Education, Centre for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv. Funded by Pro Helvetia

22nd Oct 2011
Curating and Beyond: Alternative Approaches for Curating, (Panel with Dorothee Richter, T. Melih Görgün, Işın Önol) Siemens Sanat, Istanbul


8th Jul 2011
Künstlerische und kuratorische Autorschaft, Symposium: Warum Künstler kuratieren, die Kunsthalle/Columbus Art Foundation, Ravensburg


27th May 2011
Curating – Some thoughts, University of Konstanz and Kunstverein Konstanz


9th Apr 2011
When Truth Discourse meets Spectecal, Symposium: Performing the Exhibition. Ecole des Arts, Sierre


30th Mar 2011
An artistic inversion of the Facade, Lift archive by Szuper Gallery. Symposium Fassade. ETH Zürich

15th Feb 2011
Artistic and Curatorial Authorship, Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest

22nd Nov 2010
Artistic and Curatorial Authorship, University of Reading

20th Nov 2010
Archival Practices: Curating Degree Zero Archive, Argos, Art and Media, Brussels

26th Mar 2010
Postmodern Education, Round and Round it goes, where it Stops nobody knows. Symposium. Institution as Medium. Curating as Institutional Critique? Documenta Hall, Kassel

22nd-24th Feb 2010
Artistic and Curatorial Authorship, Kulturen des Kuratorischen (Cultures of curating), Leipzig

31st Oct 2009
Kuratorische vs. künstlerische Autorschaft (Curatorial vs. artistic authorship)‚symposium: wann, wenn nicht jetzt? (If not now, when?), Kunstverein Münster

11th-12th Jul 2009
Zukunft kuratorischer Ansätze und Moderation (The future of curatorial approaches and moderating), symposium: Forms of Exhibitions; Kunstverein Hamburg

22nd Jan 2009
Wer oder was war Fluxus? Wo war/ist Fluxus? (Who or what was Fluxus? Where was/is Fluxus?), ZHdK’s Mehrspurclub (Multi-Track Club), lecture series in the Transdisciplinary Studio

29th Oct 2008
Curatorial Practice, Kustoska Platforma, Curatorial Course of the Arts Academy Zagreb

28th Oct 2008
On Curating Degree Zero Archive, Zagreb

20th-21st Oct 2008
Tanz und Kuratieren (Dance and Curating) – Meeting of experts, Tanzplan, Berlin

Apr 2008
Curatorial Practice, talk and workshop, Centre for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv

28th-30th Jun 2007

Introduction: Re-Visionen des Displays – Ausstellungsszenarien, ihre Lektüren und ihr Publikum (Re-Visions of the Display – Exhibition scenarios, their readings and their publics), Migros Museum, Zurich

24th-28th Jun 2007
Blind Date, Zeitgenossenschaft als Herausforderung (Contemporaneousness as a challenge), GAK Bremen; Title: “Vermittlung” (Mediation)


16th-19th May 2007
Organizing and Curating the Transition, workshop as part of the International Curatorial Academy, Sarajevo, organized by Museumsakademie Johanneum, Graz

12th-13th May 2007
Knowledge Transfer in Contemporary Curating, a meeting of experts, De Appel, Amsterdam

24th Apr 2007
Künstlerische und kuratorische Autorschaft: Konkurrenz, Kollaboration oder Teamwork? (Artistic and curatorial authorship: competition, collaboration or teamwork?), One of a cycle of lectures at ZHdK

7th Feb 2004
About Curating Degree Zero Archive, with Barnaby Drabble; Künstlerhaus Stuttgart

6th Feb 2004
Zur kuratorischen Praxis (Curatorial Practice), Künstlerhaus Bremen and Curating Degree Zero Archive (Doppelagenten programme), Essen, Folkwang Museum

21st Feb 2004
Kuratorische Praxis in Beispielen zu den Feldern: Öffentlichkeiten, Diskursive Räume und Netzwerke (Examples of curatorial practice in relation to the areas of public spheres, discursive spaces and networks), Seminar forming part of the Goldrausch programme for women artists, Berlin


Oct 2003
Einführung in die kuratorische Praxis (an introduction to curatorial practice), Seminar for the degree course in fine arts, Universität Bremen

May 2002
Utopien in feministischer Kunstpraxis (Utopias in the feminist practice of art), Symposium on science fiction concepts [that are] “out of this world”, Cinema, Bremen

Nov 2001
Zu feministischen Positionen in der aktuellen Kunst (Feminist positions in present-day art), Stadtarchiv Stuttgart

Zur Documenta 10: eine Rezeptionsanalyse (Documenta 10: an analysis of its reception), Artist Residency Die HÖGE

1996/97 Wintersemester 
Kuratorische Praxis anhand des Ausstellungs- und Vortragsprojektes Female Coalities (Curatorial practice, with reference to the exhibition and lecture project “Female Coalities”), Hochschule für Künste, Kassel, Alison Kn