12th August – 25th Sept 2022
Compost Show at Hafenstrasse, Kassel
Modular structure by artist duo Stirnimann-Stojanovic
As one of our collaborations with documenta fifteen we installed a video, reflecting both the compost projects at OnCurating Project Space in Zurich and the Summer School “Commoning Curatorial and Artistic Education”. We also reacted to the problem of antisemitic visuals and antisemitic undercurrents, positioning ourselves and how we dealed with that: Inviting Israeli Artists and Curators and presenting a publication by and with Oliver Marchart, which discusses the last six documenta, see book section as editor.
In the space there are also posters and relicts by the whole compost group, members are:
x Färgfabriken, Stockholm
x Global Art Practice, Tokyo University of the Arts, Tokio
x ICA-Sofia, Sofia
x James Jack & Donkey Mill Art Center, Hawaii
x Myvillages, Rural School of Economics, London/Rotterdam/Berlin
x YCAR (York Center for Asian Research), Toronto
x Dorothee Richter, Ronald Kolb: OnCurating.org & Postgraduate Programme in Curating, ZHdK
x knowbotiqs, Zürich
x Sandra Schäfer with Joseph Rustom Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich and Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts, Beirut