Films & Screenings
13th May – 4th Sept. 2022
FluxUs Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus in 11 Chapters. As part of the exhibition FLUXUS New York and Elsewhere“
Museum Gutshaus Steglitz, Berlin
6th Apr–07th Jul 2019
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Museum Ulm, as part of the exhibition “FLUXUS” (06.04.–07.07.2019)
17th–19th Jun 2018
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Screening during Defragmentation Neuer Musik Darmstadt, Ferienkurse Neue Musik Darmstadt
20th Apr 2018
Screening of three films which we produced with the MAS in Curating Christian Falsneas, Open, How we live now Film at the Migros Museum, Christan Falsnaes
Kino Toni, Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK, Switzerland as an event in the exhibition “Revisiting Black Mountain”
Beginning Jan 2015 – ongoing
Work in progress
Curating explored with a camera (Politics of Display, Politics of Sites, Politics of Transfer and Translation) with Ronald Kolb
A Digital Platform on Curatorial Practice
Interviews with: Peter Weibel, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Pauline J.Yao, Christina Li, Aric Chen, Qinyi Lim, Freya Chou, Cosmin Costinas, Young Ma, Hammad Nasar, Joshua Simon, Ruti Direktor, Meir Tati, Eyal Danon, Hila Cohen-Schneidermann, Chen Tamir, Sergio Edelzstein, Lars Nittve, Stella Rollig, N’Gone Fall, Omar Kholeif, Oliver Ressler, Susa Gunzner (Grandhotel Cosmopolis), Ellen Blumenstein, Marius Babias, Rein Wolfs, Florian Ebner, Rob Hamelijnck and Nienke Terpsma, Binna Choi, Beatrix Ruf, Daniel Baumann, Bice Curriger, Hedwig Saxenhuber, Luisa Ziaja, Can Gülcü, Vanessa Joan Miller, Nicolaus Schaffhausen, Katharina Morawek, Iris Dressler / Hans Christ, Anshuman Dasgupta, Kate Fowle, Monica Narula, Nkule Mabaso, Kadiatou Diallo, Riason Naidoo, Terry Ntone Edjabe, Chimurenga, Khwezi Gule, Nontobeko Ntombela, Jay Pather, Yuko Hasegawa, Bruno Latour and more.
29th March 2017
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Lentos Museum Austria
May 2016
Work in progress
“Non-Documentary” Film on a workshop with our students with artist group New Theater, (Calla Henkel and Max Pitegoff) working on it with Ronald Kolb
12th Feb 2016
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 1 of 11 Chapters.
University of Cape Town, South Africa
5th Nov 2015
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Museum Tinguely, Basel Im Zusammenhang mit der Ausstellung Ben Vautier. Ist alles Kunst?
24th Jun 2015
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Hochschule fuer Gestaltung Karlsruhe in cooperation with Seminar Kunstwissenschaft: GLOBALE Renaissance 4.0 (Prof. Dr. Beat Wyss/ Sebastian Baden)
4th Jun 2015
“How We Live Now How We Live Now – Art System, Work Flow and Creative Industries”
This film is an outcome of a cooperation project between the Postgraduate Programme in Curating, Zurich University of the Arts, ZHdK and Master Fine Art, University of Lucerne.
The film gathers video material, text production and a script developed by Renata Burckhardt for this project. Concept: Dorothee Richter and Sabine Gebhardt Fink, cut: Ronald Kolb
2nd Jun 2015
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Kibbutz College Tel Aviv A cooperation of the Petach Tikva Museum and Curatorial Studies Certificate Program, Faculty of Arts, Kibbutzim College of Education, Technology and Arts Tel-Aviv
22nd May 2015
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Kunstakademie Stuttgart
21st May 2015 Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters. Ostwall Museum Dortmund
19th May
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Universität Lüneburg, Seminar Ulf Wuggenig
10th Jul 2014
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Organised by artist Christian Falsnaes, Venue: Moonlight Lounge; Kunsthaus KuLe, Auguststrasse 10, 10117 Berlin
18th Mar 2014
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Akademie der Bildenden Kuenste Wien, Vienna, organised by Sabeth Buchmann
13th Mar 2014
As a cooperationpartner: artist Christian Falsnaes was invited for a workshop with the programme, outcome was the film titled “Opening” which was first screened at Gasthaus zum Bären/ Museum Bärengasse Zurich
10th Feb 2014
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Club Golem (organised by Prof. Michaela Melian, University of the Arts, Hamburg)
6th Feb 2014
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen
19th Jan 2014
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Kunstverein Wiesbaden
23 th Nov 2013
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Kunsthalle Sao Paulo
15th Oct 2013
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
4th Oct 2013
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zürich
2008–2013 (first screening: 13th Apr 2013)
Flux Us Now! A Research with a Camera on Fluxus. 11 Chapters.
Co-authoted with Ronald Kolb
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart