Swing Brain Swing
Project for the space
–Manfred Kirschner / Isolde Loock
-Christoph Keller
-Mourad Cherait / Nicolas Fernandez
-Szuper Gallery (seperate post)
–Emmett Williams /Wolfgang Hainke
-De Geuzen (seperate post)
Performance: Emmett Williams and Wolfgang Hainke
Manfred Kirschner and Isolde Loock created a space which could be used as space for presentations, talks, discussions and performances.
The task of the first project of the exhibition- and series of lectures “Cooperation…” is the is the development and design of furniture for the gallery space of the KünstlerHaus, as a kind of commissioned work. The furniture should be easy to assemble and disassemble, it should it should take into account the discursive program of the house and be suitable for lectures, performances and symposia.
36 swings, black red felt carpet, 20 green plastic stools